ABA, also known as Applied Behavioral Analysis, is a scientific approach for studying why certain behaviors occur by analyzing the context.
Many people are surprised to learn that parents of individuals with autism can qualify for reimbursement for behavior therapy. Reimbursement by insurance companies does not come easy, however. Behavior analysts must be licensed in the state where they provide services and they must meet eligibility criteria established by each insurance company.
They also must have a documented history of experience in behavior therapy. The average person may ask: Is it worth the extra time and effort to get reimbursed? One quote from a parent in an online autism message board sums up many parents' feelings on the subject:
"The cost for quality BH [behavioral health] services can be totally overwhelming, but without these services, the child will not reach their potential."
Behavior analysts are concerned with changing specific behaviors so that the individual can function more effectively. Remember, though, that no two individuals will respond to behavior modification techniques in exactly the same way. Therefore, your child's behavior analyst should start by conducting an assessment of your child's current level of functioning and then provide you with recommendations about the goals you should set for your child.
Behavior analysts often provide parents with education and training as part of their services. They may teach you, as the parent, how to implement discrete trial teaching or another behavior modification technique at home. Many will also work with school staff members to help them understand your child's needs and modify the curriculum to meet his or her academic, social and emotional needs.
In addition, they may help you to become a better advocate for your child. By helping you learn about behavior therapy and how it works, they can improve your ability to communicate with teachers and school administrators who don't have training in this area. In fact, many behavior analysts are also attorneys, so they are well-versed in special education law.
Do you know if your child's school district is providing the services that he or she needs to be successful? If not, perhaps it's time to find out what more can be done for him or her. Behavior analysts have experience with all types of children on the autism spectrum. If you feel your child could benefit from behavior therapy, don't wait to find a licensed behavior analyst who can provide it.
Reimbursement by insurance companies does not come easy, but it is worth the extra time and effort to get reimbursed! Behavior analysts are concerned with changing specific behaviors so that the individual can function more effectively.
Behavior analysts often provide parents with education and training as part of their services. They may teach you, as the parent, how to implement discrete trial teaching at home. Many will also work with school staff members to help them understand your child's needs and modify the curriculum to meet his or her academic, social, and emotional needs.
Do you know if your child's school district is providing the services that he or she needs to be successful? If not, perhaps it's time to find out what more can be done for him. Aba peak Oahu have experience with all types of children on the autism spectrum. If you feel your child could benefit from behavior therapy, don't wait to find a licensed behavior analyst who can provide it.
Reimbursement by insurance companies does not come easy, but it is worth the extra time and effort to get reimbursed! Behavior analysts are well-versed in special education law. If you feel your child could benefit from behavior therapy, don't wait to find a licensed behavior analyst who can provide it!